
Antioxidants, including vitamin E, dark chocolate and apple peel are found to be able to slow down the damage of human body. 那么以上就是关于雅思阅读能力如何提升?猜词技巧(语法结构)要掌握!的相关内容啦,以上内容作为参考分享给大家,希望能帮助到有需要的...

=> I love my father more thanmy mother does. 或倒装处理: I love my father more thandoes my mother. 但绝不可以简化处理为I love my father more than my mother,因为很显然,我们...


朗文字典关于ultimate作名词只提供了一个例句。所以,我建议对这个句子进行修改:Working from home offers the best example of flexible life styles. 这样修改以后,就降低了学生阅读和做题的障碍,避免在生僻的用法上花费宝贵的时间。 合理选用短句和长句。在例句的选...

①与or not连用:They asked us whether or not we were coming. ②在介词之后:It depends on whether it is going to rain. 3.在不定式之前:We haven’t decided whether to go there...

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