
“蒸蒸日上”,汉语成语,意为一天天地向上发展,“蒸蒸”表示上升和兴盛的样子(be thriving)。“蒸蒸日上”形容发展速度快。可以翻译为“become more prosperous every day,be increasing...

“木已成舟”,汉语成语,意思是指树木已经做成小舟(the wood is already made into a boat),比喻事情已成为不可改变的定局。可以翻译为“what is done cannot be undone,what is done is done或water over the dam”。 例句: 好吧,木已成舟不是吗?我们能不能就别再提了...

万事如意篇 万事如意: Hope everything goes your way. 吉祥如意: Hope everything goes well! 吉星高照: Good luck in the year ahead! 大吉大利: Wish you good fortune and every su...


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