China attaches great importance to monitoring and observing the position of distant-water fishing vessels. It has upgraded the Distant-water Fishery Service Platform and the monitoring and surveillance system to cover all such vessels. To increase ...
It is important to further improve the nation's governance system in the area, with measures to step up strategic and forward-looking research and planning and improve nati...
每日一词∣完善香港选举制度 improve the electoral system of the HKSAR 3月11日,十三届全国人大四次会议以高票表决通过《全国人民代表大会关于完善香港特别行政区选举制度的决定》。...
Policies of medical insurance payment will be improved, development of tiered diagnosis and treatment system and medical consortiums advanced, and eligible medical institutions at the primary level listed as designated medical insurance institution...
辨析近义词:improve, enhance, promote Play audio file 内容简介 一位姓张的听众想知道动词 “improve、enhance” 和“promote” 的区别。动词 “improve” 和“enhance” 虽然都可以表示 “让事物变得更好”,但“improve” 暗示事物本身不完美或者有不足之处,所以需...
更多内容请点击:Full text: Development of China's Distant-Water Fisheries 推荐文章