
牛羊猪肉为啥跟“meat”没有半毛钱关系? 在汉语里,我们在动物后面加上一个“肉”字,就知道是表示动物的肉了,比如牛肉、鸡肉、鱼肉。在德语里,“牛”是“Rind”,“肉”是“Fleisch”,“牛肉”这个单词也是“牛”和“肉”的结合——“Rindfleisch”!在英语里,“牛”是“...

The race to meet the world's growing appetite for animal products may increase the risk of both human and animal diseases, according to experts, who urge policymakers to co...

42. What problem did Maria meet with in winning the prize? A. She named the comet on her own. B. She did not use the required telescope. C. She did not report her discovery in time. D. She discovered the comet with her father. 43. When did Francesc...

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