
Give the other sides opinion, and then give YOUR opinion Give the other side Some people think that Although many people feel that It is claimed that Some people feel that ...

对不起,我没听懂你说的'。 2. Sorry, I didnt understand. 抱歉,我听不懂。 3. Sorry, I didnt get what you said. 对不起,我没听懂你说的话。 4. I cant hear you very well. 我听不太...

最地道的是说Occupation。 顺带说一下,回答这类问题时不妨说得具体一点,不要只是说经理或者秘书。 4。 用英语怎么说? 中国式:How to say? 美国式:How do you say this in English? Note:How to say是在中国最为泛滥成灾的中国式英语之一,这决不是地道的英语说法。同样...

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